Course curriculum

  • 01
    Show Content
    • Drill 1 - Angles 1 & 2
    • Drill 2 - High/Low/High
    • Drill 3 - Diagonal 5 Clicks
    • Drill 4 - Slash/Thrust Forehand
    • Drill 5 - Slash/Thrust Backhand
    • Drill 6 - Broken/Fluid/Circular on 1 & 2
    • Drill 7 - Top Witiks 8 Count
    • Drill 8 - Diagonal 4
    • Drill 9 - Diagonal 6 Count
    • Drill 10 - Kneeling Diagonals
  • 02
    Show Content
    • Four Walls Counters
    • Umbrella Counters
    • Snake Disarms
    • Vine Disarms
    • Strip Disarms
    • Ejection Disarms
  • 03
    SUMBRADA Series
    Show Content
    • Simple Box Drill
    • Standard Box Drill
    • High Box Drill
    • Sumbrada Box Free Flow
  • 04
    64 ATTACKS
    Show Content
    • 12 Attacks - Form 1
    • 4 Walls - Form 2
    • Umbrella - Form 3
    • Dakup Y Puno - Form 4
    • 5 Attacks - Form 5
    • Break In / Break Out - Form 6
    • Panastas/Sungeke - Form 7
    • Orassan - Form 8
    • 12 Attacks Drill
    • 4 Walls - 6 Count Drill
    • 4 Walls - 4 Count Drill
    • Umbrella Drill
    • Dakup Y Puno Drill
    • Fluid Attacks Drills
  • 05
    Show Content
    • Angle 1 Part 1
    • Angle 1 Part 2
    • High Low High Hubud - (Angle 1 & 4)
    • Angle 2


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